The Satie and J. E. Broyhill Caldwell Senior Center is located at 650-A Pennton Ave. SW, Lenoir, NC 28645. The center is for older adults age 50 and better and their spouses. For more information, call 758-2883 or email office@caldwellseniorcenter.org.
New Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday 8:00AM-4:30PM
Friday 8:00AM-2:00PM
Senior Center of Excellence
On August 18, 2022, the Satie and J. E. Broyhill Caldwell Senior Center was awarded its 6th certification as a Senior Center of Excellence by the North Carolina Division of Aging. Certification means our center exceeds the standards established by the Division. Thank you to the wonderful staff, board of directors, and participants who made this achievement possible.
Vision Statement
A community where people continue to thrive as they age.
Mission Statement
The mission of Caldwell Senior Center is to provide innovative programs and services that enhance the lives of people as they age.
Board of Directors
The Caldwell Senior Center is goverened and directed by a full Board of Directors. The board is responsible for setting the organization’s mission, strategy, and goals, and ensuring that the organization operates in compliance with legal and ethical standards. The board of directors is also responsible for ensuring the organization’s financial stability and sustainability. If you have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors, please use the link below to complete the application.
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